HLOY, TumaniYO - Good day

Good day HLOY, TumaniYO - Good day

04 май 2024, 18:19
Слушать и скачать песню HLOY, TumaniYO - Good day в формате mp3 в качестве 320 kbps, размером 8.93 MB и длиною 3:52 бесплатно
Текст песни
It's another time,
When you high again and again,
I'm ready to say,
And stay up for the same,

Like in a game bro so close,
I can take off,
Thats enough for new stuff If you not coughing you do not smoke,
Feel that shit in a life,

Blood in your eyes I'm just wanna be myself,
Somebody Gimme the gimme the mic,
It's the final fight,
With the Babilon.
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